
Slight improvements and long winded explanations- A blog about blogs

     To me it doesn't really seem that six months is not a very long time, mostly because over the years it seems to go faster.  I have however noticed some things change. My first post, about my two favorite book series, is actually rather short. Compared to my summary of what happens in The Castle in the Air,  it's simply miniscule. I have defiantly started to explain things... differently... for better or for worse I am not yet sure. 

     I don't really think that I have subconsciously started to use better wording since I write the way I talk (which does depend on my mood), but the more words I know then the more of them I will use so it'll probably end up being more of a difference at the end of the year than now. I think it also depends on wether or not I'm actually using a prompt, because with a prompt I have to fill a box, when I don't I'm just sort of talking about the book and explaining whats going on.

     That would be the other thing thats changed, my use of prompts. It's been getting less and less lately mostly because I'm good at running my mouth and I'm not as worried about doing things my own way in order to get it done as I was last year and the beginning of this one. I just think I'm at my best when I choose what I want to do instead of being told to do something I don't want to; particularly when its something I otherwise would have a lot of fun with, as long as I remember whats required, which I still need to work on....

1 comment:

  1. Your title drew me in - hilarious
    I also find myself getting long winded in my writing. We both have the curse/gift of running our mouths, whether it gets us in trouble or not :D


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