
Top Ten Book List

Percy Jackson and the Olympians series

This series really entertained me in elementary school and continues to now; with the relationship between Percy, his friends and now girlfriend Annabeth.  It's also sort of an influence to my writing as well since it caused me to get into different kinds of mythology, which have been used in one of my story lines.


The Harry Potter series

This was probably my first favorite when I was little, and though I've moved on to other things, the story and characters will stick for a long time. Like the previous mentioned, it has influenced my writing (though slightly less if not the same) in how magic works in the worlds if there is any at all.


Simple Wicca

Helped me find a religion that was both engaging in how it can be both complex or simple depending on what you do with it, and had morals I agreed with. Though Wicca can be a tad bit elaborate with rituals and having an Altar and various other things it's all very interesting; like how different things evoke certain energies like herbs and gemstones. It's also all very customizable. There really isn't one way to do anything so as long as you follow the code you can do things as you please.

Charlatan: America's Most Dangerous Huckster, the Man Who Pursued Him, and the Age of Flimflam

I would definitely not call this a child appropriate book but up there with The Wordy Shipmates it is one of the few (aka three) historical books that hasn't bored me out of my skull. It's also a biography about a young Charlatan of the name John R. Brinkley who cons his way through life and it's quite hilarious.


I got a sort of mutual respect and/or tolerance for Utopian/Dystopian society based stories when I read this. If it isn't a complete pit of despair and absolutely nothing else like The Hunger Games series is,  and good things or relation ships are built and stay to some degree it's okay. Mostly I just like how the society's are structured because it's interesting but the stories are okay too.

Where The Sidewalk Ends

Introduced me to children's' poetry. Also didn't give me a headache like Alice in Wonderland or Beowulf. Despite how much of it I write I really don't read it unless it's involved with something in class. It's hard for me to find poems of the genera that don't make my head spin or aren't dull as a oxidized copper. It might be pretty, but that isn't really what you should want to be remembered for. If it doesn't mean something it's nothing.

The False Prince

This one kind of made me question the kind of person I am because the main Character Sage/Jaron is a cunning sarcastic little thing I would get into trouble for writing and yet I really get a kick out of it. He's witty and quick minded with insults and not-so-flattering remarks  and it tends to be quite fun to read. Some decisions I'd like to push him in a creek for, but it's only some.


Another world or place may be better seeming than your own, but don't jump in until you really know what lies beneath it. If you do, you'll wind up with a nasty surprise. 

Skary Children And The Carousel Of Sorrow

Everyone is superstitious for a reason. It may seem silly, but still tread carefully if you decide to check it out for yourself. 


The Eyes of the Dragon

I cannot stand it when the plot is based around the main character getting wrongly accused of a crime and other people have to figure it out because their thrown in jail it isn't fair I can't stand it and I am never reading a book with such a plot ever again.

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