
Will Grayson Will Grayson- 0-87 2-17-14

Think of a problem that a character had to face. Write the problem and how the
character solved it or is working to solve it. If you were that character, what
would you do differently?

So the main character of the odd numbered chapters, Grayson, is sort of set up by his friend Tiny when Tiny tells a girl-friend of his he likes her because he knows she likes him in order to get them together. Then Tiny makes it so Jane drives him home from school right after. Grayson has this motto of his to shut up and not get involved with things, this would be one of those things. Although he does like Jane and is fond of her, he isn't really sure if he likes her that way. They do have some good chemistry I think, but I'm not sure if it's enough to form a stable relationship. 

So while the two of them are in Jane's car, he stops at a stop sign while their talking and leans in to kiss him. "She closes her eyes and tilts her head and I turn away."  This so far is the biggest problem Grayson's dealt with fully this far in the book. After a couple awkward sentences they have a mutual understanding and get back to being just friends, though there is still a lingering question for Grayson as to does he like her that way or not, and should he go against his motto of shutting up and be with her incase it does work?

I personally wouldn't have shied away from her. I mean, if I had the same mixed up feelings about her as Grayson, but she had romanic (or both) feelings for me, then I think I could work. After all, if your going to be with someone, they should be someone you also get along with as friends! You'll have more in common, and in my point of view probably have a better understanding of one another as long as you talk to each other a lot about things like how you feel and your day. Besides if it doesn't work that well Jane and I could still just be friends, after all even though we don't get along on the level of a romanic relationship, we know we get along on the level of friendship. Although things would be a bit strange at first it would probably end up fine despite possible hurt feelings in the past. 

If I did end up shying away from her or staring at her wide eyed not sure what to do (because thats a more realistic response from me to be honest, I'd just be blank minded and not sure how to react before it was to late....) we'd probably just end up being friends like Grayson and Jane in the story, and I would be fine with that. I have that experience from Jane's side of the story where I had romantic feelings for someone not returned and we're still best friends*. They know, they're fine with it, my knowing that they're fine with it makes me happy and okay with just being friends. Pretty much what I'm saying is that either way things would probably end up fine, kiss or blank stare on my part if it had been Jane and I instead of her and Grayson.

*None of you people know this person, they have never gone to school with me, and I probably won't tell you who it is if you ask.


"Mace of Diamonds, Sword of Hearts"- Nonsense Poem

Read color coded. (All together, just blue, just green.)

Abanak- color of the sky  
Cokroy- cliffs  
Obzenine- lair of an opponent
Citronone- evil looking
Tithling- child
Semphine- perspective
Toacritzains- intruders

Dititue- defeat
Pish- nothing
Aolcph- puppet warrior from an object,
 commonly cards, set with a goal and owned by 
a person of magic. When they are defeated 
they are then owned by the person who defeated them
Adriedge- together
Stitcherkin- iron chains

The Abanak was dark
The moon cast no light
The Citronone Obzenine perched upon the Cokroy
Be careful they had warned
Be on your guard

Snap go the stitcherkin
whallumph goes the bridge

The Aolcph of Diamonds and the Aolcph of Hearts
Here they both lurk
Are they adriedge or apart?

pitter patter go their feet
quietly together

The Mace and the Sword are formidable foes
But Semphine
Semphine young Tithling

pitter pitter
patter patter
alone and lost they are 

Which one of you
is really in the wrong?

The dark dense air whispers confusion
farther and farther apart they get

Two girls, tithlings, toacritzains if you wish,
barge into the home of two cards
Who did pish
simply pish!

Snap goes the whip
twang goes the bow
victory is seen
but what now?
What now?

And yet the aim is to dititue
Because of a side
One supposedly bad
one supposedly good
however once more
It’s all in the semphine
Who you are, and your intentions

Lost still they are
foes in hand
How useless their victory
when they can’t find the way they came

The Abanak was dark
The moon cast no light
Be careful
he had warned
Be on your guard


Slight improvements and long winded explanations- A blog about blogs

     To me it doesn't really seem that six months is not a very long time, mostly because over the years it seems to go faster.  I have however noticed some things change. My first post, about my two favorite book series, is actually rather short. Compared to my summary of what happens in The Castle in the Air,  it's simply miniscule. I have defiantly started to explain things... differently... for better or for worse I am not yet sure. 

     I don't really think that I have subconsciously started to use better wording since I write the way I talk (which does depend on my mood), but the more words I know then the more of them I will use so it'll probably end up being more of a difference at the end of the year than now. I think it also depends on wether or not I'm actually using a prompt, because with a prompt I have to fill a box, when I don't I'm just sort of talking about the book and explaining whats going on.

     That would be the other thing thats changed, my use of prompts. It's been getting less and less lately mostly because I'm good at running my mouth and I'm not as worried about doing things my own way in order to get it done as I was last year and the beginning of this one. I just think I'm at my best when I choose what I want to do instead of being told to do something I don't want to; particularly when its something I otherwise would have a lot of fun with, as long as I remember whats required, which I still need to work on....


The Ocean at the End of the Lane 2-20-14 Finished *Spoilers*

So if anyone who has read the last post I did about this book, would remember that I left off with the evil worm babysitter possibly liking his father and making his life hell.

So basically "Kyle" (He has no name so I call him that now) is locked in his room and Ursula, the worm, can tell when he's thinking of escaping because they are still connected, him being her portal in a way from the place on Hempstock farm. Anyway, he slips down the drainpipe while thinking something along the lines of "I'm in bed doing nothing suspicious" and runs into the forest as a way to get to the Hempstocks for help. Eventually he's found by Ursula, but also Lettie, who banishes her from the land because they were on the farm and they can do that. Then she brings him to the farmhouse where her Grandmother gets him a clean dry dressing gown (it was raining) and some good dinner. Then since his parents and sister would be arriving soon, her snips out a part of time where "Kyle" had yelled at his father, called Ursula a monster, and got almost drowned in the bath as punishment. This way there was no reason for his dad to be mad at him. She also made it so "Kyle" was sleeping over and they had come because he had forgotten his toothbrush.

The next morning Lettie and "Kyle" go to his house and trap Ursula so Varmints can eat her and clean up the mess. The Varmints are like big birds that eat things into non-existance. There will literally be empty space where nothing is if they are a part of the ground. The Varmints stay however, to eat "Kyle" as well because part of the portal way is deep inside of him and couldn't be taken out. Eventually Lettie ran him to a circle of safety under a tree while she and Gran brought the Ocean to him in a bucket. When she came back he stepped into the bucket and knew everything about everything.When Lettie pulled him out, he was in the pond again, and so was the ocean. It is then explained, after he says he didn't want to come out, that if he had stayed then he would just sort of dissolve into it, and it wouldn't be him.

Soon after the Varmints gather at the edge of the land and start to eat things into nothingness, trying to prompt him out before they eat the whole world. It works, but Lettie throws herself on him to save him. Then Gran wakes up from a nap and orders the Varmints to put everything back where it had been. After all of this, Lettie is about as close to being dead as a Hempstock woman can be. Ginnie and Gran then put her into the ocean where she'll recuperate. It is then found out that every fifteen or so years "Kyle" comes around and visits, seemingly because Lettie wants to see if his life was worth saving.


Spine Poetry. "Labels"

Skary Children and the Carousel of Sorrow

Gamer Girl
Homeless Bird
The Kite Runner
Tiger Eyes
What If... Everyone Knew Your Name?
Peter Pan
Elanore's Story
Kevin Brooks
Simon Says

This is about how people are labeled. Above it shows examples of labels, like Skary Children, and Monster. Under What if Everyone Knew Your Name?, are books with peoples' names under them. It's saying what if everyone know your name instead of how people label you.



Side by side but separately 
Silence until
Layers of
Blue ribboned
clusters of black and
I help
They don't
Go on

It's about two people drowning together. A Mermaid, getting revenge on two sailors for drowning her when she was a young woman, flipped their boat and pulled them under. It's from her point of view, which is why it says "I help them". 


Two Voice Poem- "Sisters" Noah and Elanore - Wonderbook

Noah                                                                                                                                              Elanore

Who'd have known?

It does make sense though,

A parallel universe,
the perfect hiding place. 
If only they had made it too.

We look so alike.

I barely know you....

Boy this is awkward....

But we found each other

That's a good thing,


I think so anyway, after all,

we still have to finish
what our parents started

Stop our uncle

Save the day.
Jeez, it sounds like
 some horrible cliché

What's that?

Never mind.

But still, it's so weird,

That we'd show up
in the same place

at almost the same time

Should we be suspicious?

I wouldn't be surprised.
Theres magic and evil uncles,
what else could this place hide?

There's a talking suit of armor
 that mistook me for a guy.

Can you really blame him?


I'm joking, your fine!

It better have been

It was going to be funny!

Well it wasn't.

I can tell.
if we're going to do this,

We'll have to get along.

I'm sure it won't be that hard, 



The Ocean at the End of the Lane: 2-6-14

Summary of what I've read today since I just started it.

Okay so it's about this 42+(?) year old man who visits the small town he grew up in because he has to go to a funeral. Of who I have yet to find out.  After the funeral he goes to the pond at the end of the lane past the farm of an old friend's house from when he was seven. The girl who lived(/lives possibly) there called it an ocean. he still does not understand this and while sitting there we go to a flashback of what happened in his youth.
"Where did she go?America? No, Australia. That was it. Somewhere a long way away.
And it wasn't the sea.
it was the ocean.
Lettie Hempstock's ocean.
I remembered that, and, remembering that, I remembered everything."

When his parents are losing money they decide to rent out his bedroom, so he has to sleep in his younger sister's room. A man who boarded with them stole his dad's car and drove to the end of the lane by the pond, past the Hempstock farm and committed suicide, leaving in a note apologizing for accidentally gambling all of his friends' money away. when people are investigating an cleaning up everything the boy (he so far doesn't have a name, lets call him Kyle because I can) is invited to stay at the Hempstock house with Grandmother, Mother, and Lettie Hempstock. Lettie goes to the pond with "Kyle" and they find a dead fish. The fish is cut open by Lettie to discover that it died choking on a sixpence. Later that night "Kyle" has a troubling dream, and wakes up also choking on a sixpence. Then he is accused by his sister that he threw coins at her and her friends even though he didn't when he was with Lettie. They then go to the farmhouse and the Hempstocks discuss what is causing this. Lettie resolves to go deal with the thing that is causing it, and brings "Kyle" with her. The thing causing money to come from nowhere  is some sort of spirit thing. Also, the Hempstock farm is from the "Old Country" and it brought a bunch of weird things with it, like lice. the spirit thing is one of those things. Anyway, Lettie tells "Kyle" not to let go of her hand and when she sings words of creation to keep it where it is, the thing throws something at him, and he lets go to catch it. Thats when he feels a sharp pain in his foot and Lettie snatches his hand back. Then she is done and they walk back to the normal part of the farm.

"Then se said,"I wish you hadn't let go of my hand. But still, your alright aren't you? Nothing went wrong. No damage done."
"No damage done""

When he goes home he looks at his foot and finds a hole with something in it. Then, being a seven year old boy, he pulls out a normal looking worm and washes it down the tub drain. Well, it broke off a little bit in his foot but he wasn't worried about it. Then the next day he finds out that his mother got a job, and theres a woman now boarding with them who is going to be their babysitter. her name is Ursula and somehow the worm turned into a woman who is making his life hell and he can't do anything about it, not even go tell Lettie. Also his dad seems to have the hots for her which is going to lead to nothing good I'm sure....

""I'm not afraid of you." I told her. I was afraid of her, more afraid than I had ever been of anything."