
"Mace of Diamonds, Sword of Hearts"- Nonsense Poem

Read color coded. (All together, just blue, just green.)

Abanak- color of the sky  
Cokroy- cliffs  
Obzenine- lair of an opponent
Citronone- evil looking
Tithling- child
Semphine- perspective
Toacritzains- intruders

Dititue- defeat
Pish- nothing
Aolcph- puppet warrior from an object,
 commonly cards, set with a goal and owned by 
a person of magic. When they are defeated 
they are then owned by the person who defeated them
Adriedge- together
Stitcherkin- iron chains

The Abanak was dark
The moon cast no light
The Citronone Obzenine perched upon the Cokroy
Be careful they had warned
Be on your guard

Snap go the stitcherkin
whallumph goes the bridge

The Aolcph of Diamonds and the Aolcph of Hearts
Here they both lurk
Are they adriedge or apart?

pitter patter go their feet
quietly together

The Mace and the Sword are formidable foes
But Semphine
Semphine young Tithling

pitter pitter
patter patter
alone and lost they are 

Which one of you
is really in the wrong?

The dark dense air whispers confusion
farther and farther apart they get

Two girls, tithlings, toacritzains if you wish,
barge into the home of two cards
Who did pish
simply pish!

Snap goes the whip
twang goes the bow
victory is seen
but what now?
What now?

And yet the aim is to dititue
Because of a side
One supposedly bad
one supposedly good
however once more
It’s all in the semphine
Who you are, and your intentions

Lost still they are
foes in hand
How useless their victory
when they can’t find the way they came

The Abanak was dark
The moon cast no light
Be careful
he had warned
Be on your guard


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks! The main reason it's like that is because I wrote blue and green separately. I had two ideas of what it could be like, then decided "well why not both?" I think it tells the story a lot better with the blue added.

  2. I really like the way you had us read this! I like the color scheme, too. It's almost like it's two stories in one, which I really like. You used a lot of different words which was good, too. At times it was somewhat difficult to read due to the different stories and your word choices. However, I really enjoyed your poem.

  3. The imagery in this poem really took it to the next level, it guided your already stand-out plot. I loved the background picture, but it didn't get me distracted from your lyrical writing.

  4. I commented on Marisa, Jenna and Isabelle R's blogs.

  5. I love the text colors it makes it seem so organized. The plot of your poem is very interesting. You could also pull your readers in from the beginning. Good job!


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