
Tuesdays with Morrie

I'm liking Tuesdays With Morrie so far, which is kind of surprising because I really don't normally like non-fiction. For me reading is for getting away from real life, so reading about real life to get away from real life is really counter productive. Essentially what I am getting at is I wouldn't have read this on my own most likely. Same with Night and To Kill A Mockingbird.
I do like it though, I'm not even quite sure why. It just seems to flow nicely, I think, and it's illustrated well without going into too much detail. I can get a proper picture of what is going on and then it goes back to dialogue or the authors thoughts. The descriptions don't go by too quickly before I can make my picture and they don't linger to after. It's balanced and I like that.
To be honest I'm actually kind of glad that what we're dealing with is ALS, because what I initially dreaded was Alzheimer's. Watching someone you know mentally erode to me is worse than watching their body erode. If it was a choice between the two I'd rather have ALS. Either way I won't be able to do things myself, and I'd rather have it be because of physical limitations than the fact that I cannot remember how to do the things to take care of myself. I also think it would cause the people I know less grief, because I would still die knowing them.

Anyway let us get to the more lighthearted things I would like to accomplish at some point in my life.

  • Top goal is to get something published before I die. I'm sure none of you are surprised that this is on my list what so ever.
  • Be able to own a large plot of land and build my own house on it. 
  • Be financially stable enough so that whenever I see a post somewhere from people who need money donated so they can pay medical bills or so they can get out of a dangerous place or so they can pay rent and stay out of said dangerous place, I can donate a pretty substantial chunk of currency without even having to think twice. 
  • Buy a drawing tablet and good quality tablet pen so that I can dabble in digital art. (The list as to why is endless don't even get me started)
  • Have enough money to fix up our current house so its sellable and so my Mom and Dad can move into a nicer wider bungalow. Or I can build one for them because that would work too and my mom would be able to plan out her garden space exactly.
  • Have an esty shop

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