
How can our futures possibly be bright?

At our age we are told by adults that we have bright futures, and to be honest, I don't quite agree. 

How can my future possibly be bright when equality is nowhere near existing?
How can my future possibly be bright when our leaders, who are supposed to make things better, are only holding us back and making things worse?
How can my future possibly be bright when the careers I want can hardly afford rent?
How can my future possibly be bright when minimum wage can barely pay for one person's meal?
How can my future possibly be bright when our education system favors the wealthy instead of helping the less fortunate?
How can my future possibly be bright when girls learn to keep their keys between their fingers wherever they go even  before they're young teens?
How can my future possibly be bright when people don't care enough to pay more taxes instead of healthcare, so that someone can afford life saving medicine?
How can my future possibly be bright when kids would rather go to the hospital than school?
How can my future possibly be bright when math shows me exactly how to calculate when to step into the road so I don't have to go there?

When being yourself may as well be illegal, with the penalty of death?
When you can't be taken seriously because "you're too young to understand" or "you don't know what your talking about"?
When they shut us down by saying "you have no experience, you point is invalid"?
When we look at ancient history roles in community and see just how far back we've gone?

I try to be optimistic but I can't help but ask myself these questions.

Will it get better or worse?
Why am I so used to it?
Did I do something wrong?
Are they listening or shutting me out?
When did I get used to the masks?
Whats the point? It won't matter later anyway.
Why don't I care anymore?
Why are we all still repeating history?

How can my future possibly be bright?


  1. Just incase anyone is wondering why all of my poetry seems so serious and dark, it's mostly just because I come up with them at night and these are the kid of questions come out of their holes. It's the only time I can really over think things....

  2. I see what you you mean, Emily. Basically all the bad influence around you is making your future "unbright." That's the best I can describe it. But I guess that should also motivate you to do better than anyone else. It all really depends on you.


Any feedback, questions, or suggestions welcome!