

Little Ida Raven White tell me now what did you do
Death and destruction follow you like hounds
Effecting your loved ones like plague
You try to tell yourself it's not your fault
 it never was it just happens

It's not your fault you both fell down the stairs
It's not your fault she died

It's not your fault the monster killed her
It's not your fault she died

It's not your fault that they were devoured 
It's not your fault that they died

This way you try to think
it's not that effective, is it?
You still blame yourself for not doing something

Not splitting up
Not knowing more
Not arriving sooner

Your family doesn't talk to you
Only to each other
You keep to yourself and don't bother them
Staying secluded in your cabin
Thirteen is such an unlucky number
Perhaps your best off alone

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